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Eventbrite App

About The Project

App redesign and re-branding push that spanned a multi year vision along with near term wins. I had the chance to work closely with the client in ideation workshops and synthesize findings into a clear digital strategy.

Role: Senior Stategy

Employed by: Instrument

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Eventbrite was looking for something new. The world of events can range from music shows to yoga classes to grief counseling and a wide range in between. The needed to claim some position in the market and needed the right app experience to match their ambitions. For an app like this experience is the brand and the band is the experience.

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We identified three main audiences The Explorer, The Connector, and The Loyalist. We believed that if we created a great end to end experience for the Explorer then we will have a solid foundation for Connectors and Loyalists.

Feature Prioritization

After in-depth ideation sessions the expansive feature list needed focus. Establishing clear goals throughout the user journey was crucial to be able to prioritize features and build a definition around what an MVP release would look like.

Establish Page Goals

Each page needed a clear goal with a measurement framework that could allowed the team to craft the experience and make the design decisions that mapped to the OKRs that drive the business.

The Reality of UGC

Eventbrite is a platform that is open for anyone who wants to create and market an event to do so and that means a variety of quality in imagery and content. We took queues from other UGC platforms like TikTok that are able to maintain a brand tone and reputation even without being the creators of their content.

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