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Amazon Braket

About The Project

The experience design of Amazon Braket is a virtual tool for managing code, running tasks, and analyzing results. With limited access to quantum computers and the vast the potential for the space, giving access to virtual and shared hardware could be fastest way to realize the future of quantum computing.

Role: Senior UX Designer

Employed by: Blink UX

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Amazon offers a quantum computing web service for scientists looking to explore and push the boundaries of the field. Users can schedule time to run their algorithms on shared hardware or on quantum simulators. What Amazon Braket does is allow users to schedule, manage, and upload their quantum “jobs” thru a web service. Results are then available thru the web portal and available for download.

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User Flows

The core team had dedicated access to users and had regular reviews by quantum scientists that were able to help prioritize MVP journeys and features. User flows were defined for uploading algorithms, scheduling jobs, and managing results.


Prototypes were created for testing and design reviews. Much of the exploration was centered around the organization and nomenclature around how experiments, jobs, and tasks are created and managed to allow researchers to plan projects of different complexities.

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